Navigating The Pain Of Family Estrangement With Expert Aimee Palmer
We want—and expect—family ties to last forever. From infancy forward, we naturally seek lasting bonds that will make us feel safe and loved. Yet, sadly, as people change and move through life, family ties can fray and even break—sometimes permanently. Such fractures are sometimes for the best, especially when abusive dynamics are causing substantial […]
Healing from Trauma, PTSD, and Complex-PTSD with Expert Maya Golden Bethany
Trauma. PTSD. Complex-PTSD. Abuse. These seemingly simple words can hold a great deal of meaning, pain, and nearly inescapable charge. Although the significance of these terms can be diluted by misuse, there’s nothing “light” or unimportant about the profound, lasting effects of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and other experiences that leave […]
Letting Go of Blame
I woke this morning to a message from a client that moved me deeply. It was clear that he had hit another heavy wave of incredible pain as a result of the “beginning of the end” of his marriage. His message was riddled with self-doubt and the weight of blame from himself and his spouse. […]
Fear Less, Love More: A Place of Faith
In working with my clients–men and women of all ages–I so often find that invisible fears are at the root of the client’s issues. What is it about our fears that has us so attracted to them, so intent on remaining strangled and confused by them? We are too often content to remain in a […]
Love Torture? Body Image and Self-Confidence Behind the Scenes! Part One
Feeling Tortured by Your Wardrobe? Does Your Body Image and Self-Esteem Beg for Relief? As a clinical psychologist and, more important, as a woman, I know the vital importance of a healthy body image, good self-confidence, and super self-esteem. As a result, being tortured by myself–or anything–is something I strive to avoid. Of course, torture […]
Suffering from Burn-Out? 9 Hot Tips for Noticing and Decreasing the Burn-Out Threat!
If you’re struggling with ongoing stress and exhaustion, you might take comfort in knowing that ‘burn-out’ is now officially recognized as an occupational phenomenon. Making headway in the ongoing campaign to recognize and prevent the often-debilitating effects of burn-out, The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that burn-out is an occupational syndrome worthy of heightened […]
Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Five Keys to Stopping the Torture of Negative Self-Talk
Is there a sneaky voice inside your head saying, “Will I ever be good enough?” This negative self-talk and the thousands of destructive messages that come along with it has the power to decimate your self-esteem. Where does this nasty voice come from, and how can you eradicate it? Read on to discover the keys […]
Your TOP Spring Cleaning Project: 5 Steps for Clearing Out Your Stressed and Anxious Mind!
Spring is one of my favorite timesof the year. It’s filled with such sweetness and fresh life, spring abounds withthe promise of new possibilities! We’vemoved past the stress of the holidays and cold weather. We have our New Year’sresolutions set out, summer is beckoning, and life feels like it’s just a biteasier. And, then, before […]
7 Daily Practices to Boost Your Internal Power
Your internal power is the fuel for your mind and spirit. These 7 practices will help you increase your supply daily so you can shine brighter than ever before.
5 Uplifting Tips for a Fabulous Valentines Day If You’re Single
For those who are not single by choice, Valentine’s Day can come as a harsh, bitter reminder of too much solitude and too little romance. Yes, Valentine’s Day is traditionally the day of sweethearts, romantic dinners, and coupledom, but it’s time for a change of attitude. And the truth is, whether you are longing for […]