Boosting Your Body Image and Eating Habits with Expert Bri DeRosa

Body image. Food. Perfectionism. The relationships we have with our bodies and the food we eat are shaped by factors such as childhood environments and societal messaging. Throughout life, the conscious and unconscious choices we make around food have the power to impact us mentally, emotionally, and physically. When we pause to notice the […]
Neurodivergence, Trauma, and Special Needs! Strength-Based Tips for Fostering Healthy Family Time with Expert Bri DeRosa

Neurodiversity—the idea that each person experiences and interacts with the world around them in different ways—is a truly empowering concept. When we remove labels that promote a view of the self or others that is deficit-focused and embrace a strength-based approach, we reduce bias and judgment while promoting acceptance and forward momentum. I’ve certainly […]