Love Torture? Body Image and Self-Confidence Behind the Scenes! Part One

Feeling Tortured by Your Wardrobe? Does Your Body Image and Self-Esteem Beg for Relief? As a clinical psychologist and, more important, as a woman, I know the vital importance of a healthy body image, good self-confidence, and super self-esteem. As a result, being tortured by myself–or anything–is something I strive to avoid. Of course, torture […]
Your TOP Spring Cleaning Project: 5 Steps for Clearing Out Your Stressed and Anxious Mind!

Spring is one of my favorite timesof the year. It’s filled with such sweetness and fresh life, spring abounds withthe promise of new possibilities! We’vemoved past the stress of the holidays and cold weather. We have our New Year’sresolutions set out, summer is beckoning, and life feels like it’s just a biteasier. And, then, before […]
4 Powerful Ways Fear Holds You Back (And How to Use Fear to Your Benefit!)

Do you know how fear holds you back in life? Fear is sneaky; from the inside out, it often controls us from the time we wake until the time we go to sleep. Sadly, an increasing number of people find that fear also keeps them awake at night with insomnia and horrible dreams. The truth […]
Anxiety, Depression and Your Marriage

The symptoms of depression and anxiety can be easy to miss until you?re in the thick of things. With busy schedules and ongoing demands, important issues such as depression can go unrecognized until the day your sweetheart can?t get out of bed. In the same way, an anxiety disorder can be all but ignored until […]