Blogs About Love, Life, and Mental Health

Blog Episodes

Navigating The Pain Of Family Estrangement With Expert Aimee Palmer

Navigating The Pain Of Family Estrangement With Expert Aimee Palmer

  We want—and expect—family ties to last forever. From infancy forward, we naturally seek lasting bonds that will make us feel safe and loved. Yet,…

Healing from Trauma, PTSD, and Complex-PTSD with Expert Maya Golden Bethany

Healing from Trauma, PTSD, and Complex-PTSD with Expert Maya Golden Bethany

  Trauma. PTSD. Complex-PTSD. Abuse. These seemingly simple words can hold a great deal of meaning, pain, and nearly inescapable charge. Although the significance of…

Letting Go of Blame

Letting Go of Blame

I woke this morning to a message from a client that moved me deeply. It was clear that he had hit another heavy wave of…

Fear Less, Love More: A Place of Faith

Fear Less, Love More: A Place of Faith

In working with my clients–men and women of all ages–I so often find that invisible fears are at the root of the client’s issues. What…

Love Torture? Body Image and Self-Confidence Behind the Scenes! Part One

Love Torture? Body Image and Self-Confidence Behind the Scenes! Part One

Feeling Tortured by Your Wardrobe? Does Your Body Image and Self-Esteem Beg for Relief? As a clinical psychologist and, more important, as a woman, I…

Suffering from Burn-Out?  9 Hot Tips for Noticing and Decreasing the Burn-Out Threat!

Suffering from Burn-Out? 9 Hot Tips for Noticing and Decreasing the Burn-Out Threat!

If you’re struggling with ongoing stress and exhaustion, you might take comfort in knowing that ‘burn-out’ is now officially recognized as an occupational phenomenon. Making…

Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Five Keys to Stopping the Torture of Negative Self-Talk

Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Five Keys to Stopping the Torture of Negative Self-Talk

Is there a sneaky voice inside your head saying, “Will I ever be good enough?” This negative self-talk and the thousands of destructive messages that…

Embracing Your Life Journey: The Key of Self-Compassion

Embracing Your Life Journey: The Key of Self-Compassion

Are you hard on yourself? Do you find that you judge your progress or pace if life? Is your inner voice telling you that you’re…

Are You Ready for Some Serious Self-Work?  6 Steps to Discovering if You’re Ready for Change

Are You Ready for Some Serious Self-Work? 6 Steps to Discovering if You’re Ready for Change

Changing your life for the better sounds exciting and wonderful, doesn’t it? It can be fun to dream about getting more empowered, going after that…

Your TOP Spring Cleaning Project: 5 Steps for Clearing Out Your Stressed and Anxious Mind!

Your TOP Spring Cleaning Project: 5 Steps for Clearing Out Your Stressed and Anxious Mind!

Spring is one of my favorite timesof the year. It’s filled with such sweetness and fresh life, spring abounds withthe promise of new possibilities!  We’vemoved…

7 Daily Practices to Boost Your Internal Power

7 Daily Practices to Boost Your Internal Power

Your internal power is the fuel for your mind and spirit. These 7 practices will help you increase your supply daily so you can shine…

4 Powerful Ways Fear Holds You Back (And How to Use Fear to Your Benefit!)

4 Powerful Ways Fear Holds You Back (And How to Use Fear to Your Benefit!)

Do you know how fear holds you back in life? Fear is sneaky; from the inside out, it often controls us from the time we…

7 Easy-to-Use Tips to Boost Self-Awareness and Reduce Stress

7 Easy-to-Use Tips to Boost Self-Awareness and Reduce Stress

If you find yourself immersed in a stress-filled life, you’re not alone. Our lives are often filled with a sense of chaos from morning until…

5 Uplifting Tips for a Fabulous Valentines Day If You’re Single

5 Uplifting Tips for a Fabulous Valentines Day If You’re Single

For those who are not single by choice, Valentine’s Day can come as a harsh, bitter reminder of too much solitude and too little romance.…

Practicing Non-Toxic Behaviors in a Post #MeToo Era

Practicing Non-Toxic Behaviors in a Post #MeToo Era

If the #MeToo movement has you wondering what’s on the horizon for men and women, you’re not alone. As a women’s advocate, I also happen…

How to Prevent Sarcastic Communication from Destroying Your Marriage

How to Prevent Sarcastic Communication from Destroying Your Marriage

You’re not alone if you’ve exclaimed, “Hey! That’s not funny!” after bearing the brunt of a “joke” that doesn’t feel at all humorous to you.…

Adventures of a Newlywed: They Lived Quirkily Ever After

Adventures of a Newlywed: They Lived Quirkily Ever After

It’s no wonder that many new (and old) couples become disillusioned when it comes to romantic love. We are raised on Disneyland images of Cinderella…

Adventures of a Newlywed: The Third Quarter

Adventures of a Newlywed: The Third Quarter

As I continue to share my rather comical newlywed journey with you, I hope my experiences help normalize the vicissitudes that are a natural-if often…

Adventures of a Newlywed: The Second Quarter

Adventures of a Newlywed: The Second Quarter

Ah, married life! It’s not a venture for the faint-hearted or uncommitted heart. It is, however, the perfect adventure for those inclined to create a…

Adventures of a Newlywed: The First Quarter

Adventures of a Newlywed: The First Quarter

Ahhhhh? the absolute bliss of being a newlywed! Every day is sheer perfection. Life couldn’t be rosier! I know that the honeymoon will never be…

Sex Wars: When Sex Is a Weapon In Your Marriage

Sex Wars: When Sex Is a Weapon In Your Marriage

When you first met your sweetheart, chances are that sexual attraction was part of the draw. Sexuality is a wonderful part of our humanness, yet…

Part 3: Commitment and Healing the Wounds of Betrayal

Part 3: Commitment and Healing the Wounds of Betrayal

When betrayal strikes, everything seems to change; nothing seems untouched by the effects that create havoc in the relationship and the couple?s world at large.…

Part 2: Moving Beyond the Shock of Betrayal

Part 2: Moving Beyond the Shock of Betrayal

When your world has been rocked by betrayal, it may feel as though nothing makes sense. Betrayal causes deep unrest because the very foundation of…

Top 10 Tips for Traveling Couples

Top 10 Tips for Traveling Couples

“Honey, let’s go on vacation! We need a rest! A break! Let’s get out of here!” If those phrases sound familiar, you know the draw…

The Sexless Marriage: Getting Reconnected

The Sexless Marriage: Getting Reconnected

“I can’t wait to see you tonight.” “Oh, I can’t get enough of you!” “I just want to kiss your face and touch your body!”…

The Sexless Marriage: Why Sexual Intimacy Fades

The Sexless Marriage: Why Sexual Intimacy Fades

It feels so wonderful to be in love?especially during the early stages of a relationship. Before the reality of life sets in, the delights of…

Sexless Marriage: Understanding Why Passion and Sex Die

Sexless Marriage: Understanding Why Passion and Sex Die

“Help! What?s gone wrong with my marriage? We used to be so passionate! The sex was hot and heavy. Now, our sex life is almost…

Sexy and Pregnant: The Unmentionable Truths of Pregnancy and Sex

Sexy and Pregnant: The Unmentionable Truths of Pregnancy and Sex

Oh, the joys and worries of pregnancy! Whether you are considering having a baby or are already on your way to welcoming a little bundle…

Anxiety, Depression and Your Marriage

Anxiety, Depression and Your Marriage

The symptoms of depression and anxiety can be easy to miss until you?re in the thick of things. With busy schedules and ongoing demands, important…

The Appreciation Habit

The Appreciation Habit

A feeling of being underappreciated is one of the chief complaints I hear when working with couples. Both men and women commonly tell me that…

Seven Simple New Holiday Traditions

Seven Simple New Holiday Traditions

Don?t let the true magic of the holiday season get lost in the whirlwind and glitter of this busy time of year. Looking past the…

10 Tips for a Sweet and Sexy Holiday Season

10 Tips for a Sweet and Sexy Holiday Season

We all love the sparkle and beauty of the winter holidays, yet this special season isn?t just about trimming the tree, eating sumptuous foods, and…

Love Shouldn?t Make You Black and Blue

Love Shouldn?t Make You Black and Blue

I believe with all my being that love is the greatest gift we have to offer.? In my eyes, love is our greatest power, our…

My Love from Sky to Sea

My Love from Sky to Sea

As the afterglow of summer lingers in my soul and in the air, I pause to filter through my drifting thoughts. Emotions float in my…

The Warmest Winter of All

The Warmest Winter of All

As my feet touch the soft earth, I realize that I?ve been absent too long. The selfsame soul that writes for others of psychology and…

I Cry Because I Love

I Cry Because I Love

A crimson-gold collage of autumn leaves dances about my feet as I stride swiftly across the parking lot. The hour for my weekly meditation is…

Lessons in Love, The Story of the Pink Moon

Lessons in Love, The Story of the Pink Moon

I step through the garden gate, a long, incredible week behind me. I take a deep breath of the warm, sweet air. A gold-breasted finch…

Shell of a Woman

Shell of a Woman

She is a young, lovely shell of a woman. Exhaustion has painted tawny circles under her eyes. I am intrigued that her coloring is a…

Learning How to Love You

Learning How to Love You

It is February, and love is in the air. I feel it around me as nature begins to wake from its wintry sleep. The sweet…

Love and Life in the Rain

Love and Life in the Rain

Nestled in the warmth of my bed, I wake slowly to the sun?s cool, gentle rays. It is cold and gray outside on this Easter…

A Statue Without Hands

A Statue Without Hands

January smiles and softly asks that I open up to new ways of being. I listen and want to heed her gentle call. Although I…

Streetlights and Obituaries

Streetlights and Obituaries

Sitting before me in my office this evening was a young, handsome Latino man. Not yet into the second decade of his life, he stared…

Many Moments in Time: An Old Year, A New Year

Many Moments in Time: An Old Year, A New Year

This year has been a time of deep change. It has been a year of letting go, of opening up, and of embracing. It has…

I?m Waiting with You

I?m Waiting with You

We are waiting. Always, it seems, we are waiting. We wait in the moment, and we wait for what arises next. We await the melody…

Reflections in the Wind

Reflections in the Wind

November, with its bittersweet days, has faded into December?s enticing arms. This time of year, replete with reminiscence and nostalgic yearnings, brings both challenges and…

Under the Full Moon

Under the Full Moon

Tonight, I bathe in the sweetness of my life. I am, indeed, blessed with wealth of the most wondrous sort. Driving home from my office,…

A Slow Turning

A Slow Turning

October?s vibrant colors seep into my spirit as I take my first steps along the hillside path. The early morning sun is soft and gentle;…

Learning to Find Myself?Again!

Learning to Find Myself?Again!

It is a delightful September evening, and I feel the embrace of autumn in the air. I study the beautiful face before me. Soft rays…

Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass

I can hear the brittle jangle of shattering of glass in my mind as I listen. I flinch inside, imagining a cascade of broken shards…

Attitude is Almost Everything

Attitude is Almost Everything

Let me paint for you a picture of a woman I have come to love deeply, a complex woman whose attitude denied death its wrangling…

Nothing and Everything

Nothing and Everything

This gentle August morning could not be more exquisite. A light coat of fog embraces us with its ethereal, almost haunting quality. I am out…

You Can Put On The Brakes Any Time You Want, Baby!

You Can Put On The Brakes Any Time You Want, Baby!

Just a few weeks ago, on a gorgeous weekend evening, a dear friend and I took a walk at Spring Lake, one of the countless…

My Heart Will Not Stop Here

My Heart Will Not Stop Here

It is an intoxicatingly beautiful early June morning. As I walk up the pathway, the cool breeze of dawn caresses my bare arms. The soft…

Running on Faith

Running on Faith

I feel like myself this morning. Smiling and rested, I stretch my way out of bed as my morning gratitudes tumble from my lips. I…

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

On this springtime day, so alive with light and gentle breezes, will you take a walk with me?a journey of tears and joy? It is…

Mind Aerobics

Mind Aerobics

It is a tranquil, late-winter evening; another stunning day is coming to a close. As I leave the peaceful realm of the wood-floored yoga studio,…

The Girl with the Hidden Tattoos

The Girl with the Hidden Tattoos

Emanating a childlike, frenetic energy, she stands at the doorway to my office. Barely in her twenties, she is part child, part budding woman. It…

Trust in the Wild Mendocino Blue

Trust in the Wild Mendocino Blue

The gray arc of Highway 101 unfurls as I leave the green and gold hills of Sonoma County behind. I have left Pup with the…

Everyday Valentines

Everyday Valentines

Ah, Valentine?s Day is with us, the day of hearts and roses. The sun, surrounded by a sky of blue tinged with peach-brushed hues, rose…

Love Until It Hurts

Love Until It Hurts

As we drive to San Francisco under crystal winter skies, the talk is of everything things. The pedestrian to-do lists keep the painful thoughts at…

The Spillway of Life

The Spillway of Life

The early morning sun gently prods me as I snuggle in bed relishing thoughts of the day ahead. The pure, delicate air of the gentle…

A River Runs Through Me

A River Runs Through Me

Last evening, with the stars serenely basking on the dark backdrop of night?s cloak, I listened carefully as a friend shared his heart with me.…

Roses in the Kitchen, Seashells in the Bath

Roses in the Kitchen, Seashells in the Bath

The new year is settling in around me, or it may be more the case that I am slowly settling into the embrace of the…

Aspirations All Year Long

Aspirations All Year Long

I wake to crystal skies, thrilled that the first day of this year brings delightful sunshine to warm the chilly nip in the air. Although…

Be Here

Be Here

My yoga practice this evening was especially welcome after a series of long and intense work days. Although my Saturday and Sunday yoga sessions are…

Connecting the Snowflakes

Connecting the Snowflakes

This past Friday evening, my home was filled to overflowing with some of my dearest friends and neighbors. As each guest came in from the…

Honey and Garlic

Honey and Garlic

Ah, New Year?s Eve is nearly upon us. This evening, well after the winter sun sets, will find me dining and dancing at a club?a…

The Sweetest of Mothers

The Sweetest of Mothers

Dressed in elegant black evening attire (shades of classic Audrey Hepburn in ?Breakfast at Tiffany?s?), I stopped to visit my mother on my way to…

Gratitude for Pleasures Great and Small

Gratitude for Pleasures Great and Small

The house is still, and those most precious to me are sleeping soundly, nestled in the warmth of their beds. Pup, too, is fast asleep.…

The Ever-learning Spirit

The Ever-learning Spirit

On three occasions yesterday, I was reminded of the importance of maintaining a studied relationship with one?s greatest student, the self. A favorite mantra of…

Pieces of Me, Pieces of You

Pieces of Me, Pieces of You

I hurried through my stack of tasks this morning to make a longed-for appointment with a dear friend. I had been given an opportunity to…

Vegetable Soup and Good Souls

Vegetable Soup and Good Souls

My early morning walk found me captivated by the weighty feeling cast by the sulky gray sky. Seeming to herald rain, the mood in the…

Step by Step

Step by Step

This past weekend I was blessed to spend a bit of time with a wonderful friend who has been part of my life since we…

Through a Child?s Eyes

Through a Child?s Eyes

Ah, November is upon us, and as the warm, whirling breeze blows amber leaves to the ground, I am reminded of the circle of life.…

Autumn Musing

Autumn Musing

Autumn, it seems to me, is the perfect season to begin turning ever inward. As the days become shorter and night?s embrace arrives earlier, the…

On Love, Life, and That Which is Never Lost

On Love, Life, and That Which is Never Lost

As I took my brisk walk in the gray foggy morn, I was deeply aware that today marks ?one month and one day? since the…

Full Moon Waning

Full Moon Waning

As the full moon that graced the skies this past Monday wanes, I am reminded that life?s processes do the same. This past Monday, I…

If I Had a Boat

If I Had a Boat

It is a delicately warm June morning. The cool sheets are soft and silky against my skin. I nuzzle my head into the pillow pretending…