10 Tips for a Sweet and Sexy Holiday Season

10 Tips for a Sweet and Sexy Holiday Season

We all love the sparkle and beauty of the winter holidays, yet this special season isn?t just about trimming the tree, eating sumptuous foods, and opening beautifully wrapped gifts. With romance in the air and warm fires aglow, there?s no time like the holiday season to spice things up!

The hustle and bustle of the season can be a bit tiring at times, so it?s extra important to slow down to share some precious moments with your darling. Pare down the shopping list, decline an invitation to a party or two, and heat up the house with your own holiday magic! These 10 sexy and romantic tips are sure to keep your marriage warm and wonderful throughout the holidays and into the New Year!

1. Santa Baby:

Delight in being your sweetheart?s not-so-secret Santa this year! Mail unexpected cards and gifts to your darling at work and at home. The surprise gifts needn?t be pricey?it?s the thought that counts! Whether you send a tiny ornament, a yummy box of cookies, or a pair of movie tickets, think of the joy you?ll create in your sweetheart?s days. Pause to pick up a gift certificate for a favorite coffee shop or dinner spot. Imagine the smile you?ll bring when you send off a card with a tiny piece of lingerie tucked inside the packet. Give a bit of love in person when you drop by the office with a sweet basket filled with fruit and chocolate for two. Keep the magic in your holidays by showing your love in the simplest and most unexpected of ways!

2. Go Ahead and Get Naughty:

If intimate time tends to get a bit lackluster, spice up your bedroom world with a bit of naughty holiday fun. Dare to be adventurous this year! Don?t be afraid to check out fun and erotic intimate products online or in a local shop. Pack your shopping basket full of romantic bubble baths and candles. Add a sensual massage oil to your shopping list as you imagine your sweetie melting beneath your fingertips. A strip tease in holiday-themed undies and nighties can surely add to the air of romantic fun. Of course, there?s nothing quite as naughty as seeing your darling in nothing more than a crimson, velvety Santa hat. And don?t forget that lacy lingerie is always a wise investment if you want to bring your Santa to his knees. Just be your sweet, sexy self? and let the wintry nights unfold!

3. Warm It Up by Being Extra Nice:

Oh, the busyness of the holiday world can take its toll on even the most cheerful soul! This is the perfect season to be extra sweet to your spouse. It doesn?t take much time or effort to show a bit of extra loving kindness. Wake up a bit early to share an intimate hot cup of coffee before you and your darling head off into the cold, busy day. As your husband or wife showers, heat up a bath towel and have it ready as the water turns off. Leave festive, love-filled sticky notes on the dashboard of the car, tucked inside a briefcase, or inside a pair of shoes. At the end of the day, meet your darling at the door with a fuzzy bathrobe and slippers. Create simple magic by stealing some soft, sexy kisses under a surprisingly well-placed bit of mistletoe! If you notice your sweetheart looking weary as the hustle and bustle mount, find a quiet spot to share a few calming, love-filled moments. With a tiny bit of extra niceness tucked in the most unexpected places, this season could be your warmest ever!

4. Handmade Holiday Love:

Holidays needn?t be lavish or expensive to be fun. In fact, if money is tight this year, extravagant gift-giving can add unnecessary stress to your relationship. Truly, some of the most beautiful, priceless gifts are handmade. Whether you are a cook, a woodworker, a writer, or a knitter, use your own talents to create a unique gift for your darling. If your phone or computer are filled with sweet photos that are nearly forgotten, create a beautiful photo collage to keep those precious memories alive. Feeling a bit challenged in the creativity department? Make a glittery coupon book filled with vouchers for massages, candlelight dinners, and movie nights at home. In a busy world that tends to focus on buying and consuming, see what enduring delights you might craft to enchant your sweetheart.

5. Au Natural:

Look for simple, natural ways to enliven your holiday season. Bundle up and head outdoors to find nature?s most beautiful delights. Make time for a romantic walk under the bright winter moon. Let the stars be your guide as you walk tree-lined paths with your spouse. Wander the neighborhoods to enjoy the festive, brilliant shows of lights and holiday d?cor. If snowfall graces your world, enjoy the special delight of snow?s pure, wintry splendor. Feel your ardor grow as you make snow angels or create the sweetest of snowmen! Enjoy the simple magic of snowflake kisses and frolicking in the outdoors. Listen to the beauty of the rain?s pitter-patter as you walk hand-in-hand with your sweetheart. Feel the cares of the world disappear as you enjoy a daytime hike for two. Whether your holidays are filled with rain, sleet, hail, snow, or sunshine, let nature bring you and your spouse ever closer this year.

6. Let Things Get Hot in the Kitchen:

Let your passion soar near the cooktop this year! When couples take to baking and cooking as a team, the most delightful magic unfolds. Spice things up with a freshly baked batch of easy gingerbread cookies or yummy rum balls. Relish the romance of baking bread together?there?s almost nothing sexier than a man kneading dough. Enjoy sharing fresh-baked loaves?and nibbling on warm slices topped with decadent dollops of butter. Whether cooking a delectable dinner for two or making goodies to share, the most precious sweetness is found in the time you spend with your darling. Even clean-up can be a delight when you happily share the duties with each other. Of course, the warmth of the kitchen isn?t just for cooking up delicious edibles?get a bit sexy and wild?let your imagination soar!

7. Carve Out Sweet Intimate Time:

Having children at home can dampen even the most amorous spirit. If youngsters are frolicking in your world this holiday season, send the little ones to Grandma?s for the evening or trade a sleepover night with friends?you can claim you’re shopping or wrapping gifts. Once you have the house to yourselves, hide the cell phones and light an array of glowing candles. Whether you read in each other?s arms by a crackling fireplace, dance to the most intimate holiday tunes, or watch a favorite seasonal flick, a love-filled home is the perfect stage for a romantic evening. Why look elsewhere when you can create a winter wonderland within your own walls?

8. Dine In Festive Simplicity:

Create a picnic basket filled with simple, mouth-watering treats. Surprise your darling with a basket loaded with delectable cheeses, a loaf of fresh bread, and an array of olives and nuts. Tuck in delicious fresh fruit, a decadent assortment of chocolates, and a sparkling beverage, and you?ll have everything you need for the perfect intimate dinner in bed. With a few pretty napkins, plates, glasses, utensils, and festive candles at the ready, you and your sweetheart won?t need to leave your bed for hours on end! Oh, the sweet, sumptuous fun of it all!

9. Cozy Cuddles:

Never underestimate the power of simple cuddling to bring sexy warmth to the holiday season. Whether you are wearing your favorite flannels or nothing at all, take a bit of extra time to nestle in with your sweetie. Forget the laundry, and let the gift wrapping wait; a respite with your spouse is worth its weight in gold. Fix two steaming cups of hot cocoa, and load a plate with biscotti or homemade goodies. Put a happily penned “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door, and find yourself in the heaven of each other?s arms. Touch each other?s shoulders and stroke each other?s hair as you take a respite from the holiday flurry. It?s these gentle, simple moments that bring lasting, tender warmth to this very special time of year.

10. Lighten Up:

With sparkling lights and shimmery delights at every turn, remember that it?s your own holiday glow that is the sexiest treasure of all. When enjoying festive celebrations, dress in attire that makes you feel attractive and at ease. You?re more likely to feel sexy and oh-so-adorable when wearing clothing that feels both flattering and comfortable. You?ll be at your natural, cheerful best when you?re feeling rested and relaxed, so make sure to get extra sleep and de-stress with simple activities such as walking, meditation, and yoga. Embrace spontaneous opportunities with your sweetheart that create laughter and fun. Whether you are giggling over a racy game of backgammon or chuckling as you decorate your Christmas tree, remember that laughter works wonders at easing holiday stress and increasing your natural radiance. When you feel light and blissful, you?ll connect even more deeply with your darling!

Now that you?ve got a few tempting tips under your belt, get ready for the most romantic wintertime season you?ve ever known. The most cherished aspect of the holidays is the time we share with loved ones, so give your husband or wife all the love-filled moments you can. While dazzling gifts and glittery decorations are enchanting, it?s the loving, blissful moments that create the most splendid magic of the holidays. So, get a bit extra naughty and get a bit extra nice this year! Truly connect to your spouse for the sweetest and sexiest holiday season of all!