The Joy and Freedom of Being Imperfect with Expert Debra Fox Gansenberg

Imperfect Love | Debra Fox Gansenberg | Being Imperfect

  We often believe that if we try harder and harder to be the perfect partner, parent, friend, or employee, we will somehow create a trouble-free life and gain the love, safety, and respect we crave. Yet when we chronically strive for perfection, we tend to create more self-judgment, anxiety, and stress. Unfortunately, this toxic […]

Untying the Anxiety Knot with Mental Health Expert Lisa Sugarman

Imperfect Love | Lisa Sugarman | Anxiety

Anxiety has a way of weaving itself into our bodies, brains, and lives. Struggles with anxiety often begin in childhood and, by adulthood, can become firmly entrenched in our lives. With many mental health issues on the rise–from anxiety, depression, and chronic stress to suicide–it’s time to pause to find actionable strategies to help us […]

Healing from Trauma, PTSD, and Complex-PTSD with Expert Maya Golden Bethany

Imperfect Love | PTSD

  Trauma. PTSD. Complex-PTSD. Abuse. These seemingly simple words can hold a great deal of meaning, pain, and nearly inescapable charge. Although the significance of these terms can be diluted by misuse, there’s nothing “light” or unimportant about the profound, lasting effects of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and other experiences that leave […]

PTSD and Children: Supportive Insights for Parents with Expert Jolene Philo

Imperfect Love | Jolene Philo | Childhood PTSD

  PTSD and children—it’s a critical topic. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is increasingly common in our challenging world, and while it’s often difficult to recognize PTSD in adults, it can be even more challenging to determine when a child has PTSD. In fact, there was a time when experts believed children couldn’t develop PTSD. Fortunately, […]