Under the Full Moon

Tonight, I bathe in the sweetness of my life. I am, indeed, blessed with wealth of the most wondrous sort. Driving home from my office, I am guided by the radiant glow of the Hunter?s Moon. I reflect on the utter joy of the life I continue to create. The air is warm, the car windows are down, and twilight settles around me. Stars begin to sparkle in the heavens that stretch far above.

This evening has been especially delicious, for I?ve just left the annual ?Full Moon Celebration? that I am honored to host. Under the tender, brilliant light of the rising moon, we gathered outdoors. Bonfire alight, I smiled at the gathering of beautiful women. An array of shapes and sizes, each individual shone with inner hope. Ranging in age from late teens to mid-sixties, each woman has arrived with two separate offerings. The first offering?a simple listing of those thoughts, beliefs, and assorted hurts?is that which each woman wishes to release. The second offering?another simple, heartfelt writing?is intended to invite and welcome new attitudes, visions, and dreams.

Under the watchful gaze of the oh-so-wise moon, we laugh and share. I am enchanted as the evening unfolds. A precious volunteer reads our opening poem; her voice is soft and lilting in the still of the evening air. The most humble, hopeful, and intimate sharing arises. One by one, secrete inner worlds are held open to gaze of others. Vulnerabilities and wounds are revealed; in symbolic release, bits of paper are crumpled and tossed into the fire. And then, tender dreams are unfolded; they, too, are offered into the embers. Hope wells up in the most enormous and unexpected of ways. As the smoke rises up, hands clap and hearts engage. There is no surpassing the wild, warm love that arises from the support of compassionate eyes and open hearts. As always, I am stunned to have the great fortune to be a witness and guide in such blessed events. My work is a privilege and an honor; it is my delight.

Under the Full Moon

Under the light of the knowing full moon I look into you and ask who am I to deserve your love? Me, the one who is naught but broken, battered, and worn downtrodden and weary. wounded by mistakes that have festered under scars their pain-filled, jagged edges sharp reminders of my load of faults, weaknesses, and betrayals

My life seems a strange illusion filled with judgment and defeat a charred and smoky haze of shabby, threadbare hopes and simple, shattered dreams. a dark and lonely journey with no light to find my way forgiveness runs from me elusive wisdom tends to hide and faith, fickle faith, escaped to firmer ground

In the stillness of the night a soft voice whispers into me compassion in its note I hear Sit. Sit by the fire of your heart Feel. Feel the healing balm of self-forgiveness. Listen. Listen with the wisdom of the inner soul Hear. Hear the footsteps of your love. Know. Know the love that never left you it has been waiting all along as with the moon, love never flees but only alters to the watcher?s eye

Set down your burdens turn to me with gentle eyes and gaze wrap me in your warm embrace and call me now to home the home within that waits with open arms and asks for naught but you to stop, be still, and loving to the deserving one oh, yes, to you

In the fullness of the night I take a step towards you accepting tears stream down my cheeks the moon shines down in comforting benevolence a guiding witness to the knowing and resting in the loving arms of my own sweet embrace

Ah, yes, said the moon said its mistress receive and be received in luminous shades of self-acceptance crescents of appreciation I reflect and am reflected and, so, I knew the moon?s caress and understood how it felt to be free

Author?s Note: The above poem was written in preparation for this year?s ?Full Moon Celebration.? In the sunshine of the warm October weekend, the words took form and tumbled forth. This writing is a tribute to the stream of hungry, hurt, and hopeful souls that come through my door. This poem honors the women and men of my past, present, and future.