Love Torture? Body Image and Self-Confidence Behind the Scenes! Part One
Feeling Tortured by Your Wardrobe? Does Your Body Image and Self-Esteem Beg for Relief? As a clinical psychologist and, more important, as a woman, I know the vital importance of a healthy body image, good self-confidence, and super self-esteem. As a result, being tortured by myself–or anything–is something I strive to avoid. Of course, torture […]
Suffering from Burn-Out? 9 Hot Tips for Noticing and Decreasing the Burn-Out Threat!
If you’re struggling with ongoing stress and exhaustion, you might take comfort in knowing that ‘burn-out’ is now officially recognized as an occupational phenomenon. Making headway in the ongoing campaign to recognize and prevent the often-debilitating effects of burn-out, The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that burn-out is an occupational syndrome worthy of heightened […]
Your TOP Spring Cleaning Project: 5 Steps for Clearing Out Your Stressed and Anxious Mind!
Spring is one of my favorite timesof the year. It’s filled with such sweetness and fresh life, spring abounds withthe promise of new possibilities! We’vemoved past the stress of the holidays and cold weather. We have our New Year’sresolutions set out, summer is beckoning, and life feels like it’s just a biteasier. And, then, before […]
7 Daily Practices to Boost Your Internal Power
Your internal power is the fuel for your mind and spirit. These 7 practices will help you increase your supply daily so you can shine brighter than ever before.
5 Uplifting Tips for a Fabulous Valentines Day If You’re Single
For those who are not single by choice, Valentine’s Day can come as a harsh, bitter reminder of too much solitude and too little romance. Yes, Valentine’s Day is traditionally the day of sweethearts, romantic dinners, and coupledom, but it’s time for a change of attitude. And the truth is, whether you are longing for […]
My Love from Sky to Sea
As the afterglow of summer lingers in my soul and in the air, I pause to filter through my drifting thoughts. Emotions float in my soul and morph into words within my brain.? The journey of my life has changed again?as unpredictable and wild as the seasons have become. There is no use in struggling […]
The Warmest Winter of All
As my feet touch the soft earth, I realize that I?ve been absent too long. The selfsame soul that writes for others of psychology and healing has taken a strange hiatus from the writing that gives her own spirit such joy and deep expression. So, as I take the winding path that leads me through […]
Learning to Find Myself?Again!
It is a delightful September evening, and I feel the embrace of autumn in the air. I study the beautiful face before me. Soft rays of fading sunlight stream across her skin. Her dark hair shines and dances in the soft breeze. Her deep brown eyes are luminous, warm, and open. Her eyes and her […]
In My Bones
The melancholy rains of March fall about me. Gray skies cry soft, cooling tears that sweep over me and through me. I walk in the early hours, Pup at my side, as the heavens speak tenderly. This morning, as my own tears mix in bittersweet union with the rain, I have questions of eternity in my […]