Discover Your Power to Shine and Be Your Authentic Self with Affirmation Expert Jess Vosseteig

Affirmation is a powerful tool for resilience. We’re often expected to be positive and upbeat no matter what is going on in our lives. At the very least, we generally feel compelled to put on a happy face for the world. Yet, in real life, it’s not always easy–or in truth, even natural–to be […]
7 Easy-to-Use Tips to Boost Self-Awareness and Reduce Stress

If you find yourself immersed in a stress-filled life, you’re not alone. Our lives are often filled with a sense of chaos from morning until night. Sadly, even our sleep is often disrupted by anxious thoughts or worried spells of wakefulness. You might find yourself thinking, Why is my life so stressful and out of […]